Okay. Update on EP project:
One song is 98% percent finished. One thing I've found with recording is that you can always find something to change but so far I'm happy how my first song has come together. As for the other four/five songs are completed in regards to ghost tracks. I'm so excited to start working on the other songs. I can't wait to start getting feedback from people about what I'm doing... not that I care about what people think because I'm doing what I want with my music, but it's always a good thing to get opinions from people I want listening to my music.
Anyways, thought I'd make a small blurb on this blog... I've definitely been neglecting it for a while.
Updated Gigs for The Jardines:
July 28 - The Yale. We're playing with an awesome lineup for a benefit concert for Karl Watt, who passed away very recently from Lou Gehrigs disease.
We have a few more gigs coming up in August and September, will keep an update!
Check out the Facebook page for our July 28 gig. Get your tickets today :)